Put Things Off

Friday, July 3, 2009

Put Things off is a procrastinators dream! It is a todo list that allows users to either do the tasks that you need to do and put off the ones they don't. The result is a nicely put together, polished todo app.

First, we will start with the good. Put Things Off has a simple and clean user interface; tap plus to add a task, tap the gear for settings, and tap any of the 4 iPhone style icons in the dock on the bottom to get to a different tab.

Each task has 2 icons on it, which are different depending of which tab you are in. The inbox tab, which all new task a placed in, allows you to move the task to the today tab or put it off. The today tab allows you to put the task off of mark it as completed. The put off tab allows you to move the task to the today tab or mark it as completed. Finally, the done tab allows you to move it back to the today tab of delete it.

When you make a task, you can even give it a due date. Also, in the settings, you can specify the default number of days a task is put off.

There is much wrong with this app. It does what it is supposed to and achieves the goal. There isn't any push notification feature, which would be nice to have, but the developer said this might be coming soon once enough people upgrade to 3.0.

Put Things Off is a great todo app and works flawlessly. The intent of the app is to be a basic todo list, which it does very well. It is a great for any lazy or busy person to use.

Head on over to the developers website for a video!

1 comment:

Spiffing Apps said...

Thanks for the review! Just a couple of comments:

You said:

"There isn't any push notification feature, which would be nice to have."

This is something I'm thinking about. It would require me to drop support for OS 2.2 or below, so I'm waiting for more people to make the switch before I start playing with push.

"The app doesn't allow items to be placed back in the inbox tab"

I'm not sure why anyone would want to do this. Do you ever move an email back to your inbox once you've archived it? The idea is just to store unfiled tasks in the inbox; as soon as they're filed, they don't need to be moved back.

"There is no way to specify how many days you would like to put off a specific task"

There is, actually. Just double tap the task, tap the due date, and set a new due date. Tap save and the task will be put off until then.

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